An Open Path
"The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway." ~ Proverbs 15:19 NIV
Open is the path before me as I walk in Your Spirit.
Closed are the gates behind me for my protection as I walk in Your Spirit.
Walking in Your Spirit is how I will seek to live every day, and as the gates begin to close before me You remind me to turn from them and find the new path You've opened.
For in each new path opened, Your Spirit renews me. And between each path are the trials that will mold me into someone who can pass through the gates that lead to life!
All thanks to You, Lord, for Your Spirit is my guidance. All thanks to You, Lord, as You protect me from the dark forces of this world. All thanks, my Lord, for You are my peace across the valley!
In that peace, may Your Spirit continue to lead me to the open path where the greatest treasure of my heart lies. That treasure being You!