Being in You
"Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!" ~ Matthew 25:23 NLT
Grounded I am in You.
Founded I am through You.
Cherished I am because of You.
All that I am was made for You. In the Father's will, He molded me to be here in this moment. In the Holy Spirit's will, He maintains me to hold onto faith in this moment.
All for You, my Lord, for the Father has given You all and created all through You.
It is in You that I am able to be with the Father, for You are my aim.
You walk with me, Lord, so that I can always look to You. You smile at me, Lord, so that I can smile even in my weakness. It is You who I love and You who the Father loves in me.
Your Spirit in me makes me more like You so that our Father in Heaven will see me bow to Him when my time on earth has concluded. So He can say, “Well done!”