Pursuit of You
"The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but he loves those who pursue godliness." ~ Proverbs 15:9 NLT
It is in my pursuit that my sight is lost.
It is in my pursuit that distractions reign.
It is in my pursuit that temptation wins.
Is this what You called me to? Is this what You desire? No!
You show me that my sight is lost when the pursuit is my own. It's You I must pursue, and Your sight will clear the path.
You show me that distractions come when the pursuit is my own. It's You that I must pursue and Your Word will clear the path.
You show me that temptations win when the pursuit is my own. It's You I must pursue, and Your plan will clear the path.
It is through my pursuit of You that all things clear from the path, and that all prayers converge to who I become in pursuit of You!
So, Lord, I pursue You!
Turn me toward Your plan for my life so I may grow into who You call me to be. Bring out of me a passion for Your Word, to follow You in each decision I make. Forge a fire so refining that I cannot bear to sin any longer!
Lord, I pursue You!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in ALL your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5
I think this verse is highly underestimated in the Christian life but if we are able to truly acknowledge Him in every single aspect of our lives, by pursuing Him in everything we do, then how much blessing and leading is He going to pour out on the path for our lives that He is directing?
What a privilege to be able to pursue Him!
This poem is very much intertwined with the gospels of “he who seeks to save his life will lose it but he who loses his life for My sake will find it”. Or the treasure in the field that we are required to sell all our possessions for to buy the field so that we can have the treasure. Jesus wants all of us!
Love it!