Revival is coming...
"You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth." ~ Psalms 71:20 NKJV
Get down on our knees and repent for our sins.
Get down on our knees and repent for our wicked deeds.
Get down on our knees and repent for forgiveness.
Get down on our knees and worship Him!
Revival only comes to the hearts’ of man when we fall to our knees,
weeping and holding each other’s hands!
Revival only comes to a church in submission
to the Word of God and all His provisions!
Revival only comes when the prayers and pleads
have been raised by His Spirit’s hand,
for all to return to the Son of Man!
From out of Him were we created,
from Christ our Lord we are transformed!
Use this psalm in worship and song,
for the light of all to answer His call!
Come to Him in spirit and truth,
know His name and His sacrifice for you!
Revive your soul, revive your spirit!
Take hold of His throne so you may be made whole!
The angels sing with praises aloud,
“Rejoice in the Heavens so they may hear our shouts!”
Sing hallelujah, another is saved!
Sing glory to Him, for He is paving the way!
Sing praises on high, for the wave of revival crashing through the skies!
We sing hallelujah, Holy is Your name,
revive Your church so we can proclaim!
The I AM that I AM, the Lord on High,
oh joyous of days, sing loud for those passing by!
He is worthy, worthy, WORTHY of all glory, honor, and praise!