Righteous Incarnate
"...even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," ~ Romans 3:22 NKJV
A soft hum beckons me forth like a raging storm
that is calmed by the deepened depths of a sea of love.
The rush of waves that tosses and turns my gaze
makes You known in the holy frame.
God is good! Only He is good!
There is no one like Him,
no one who comes close to Him
for He is Righteous incarnate.
A low bloom of scented candles
that flicker by the breeze
that flows into these flower fields.
A ritual of light with embers all bright
for our worship of His holy throne above!
God is good! Only He is good!
There is no one like Him,
no one who comes close to Him
for He is Power in Heaven!
Purify me oh God!
Sanctify this temple for Your dwelling in eternal life!
Refine this specimen that You’ve knitted together
for Your deeper worship of how worthy You are!
Do not turn from me, oh God!
Do not leave this wretched soul behind!
Please, I beg of thee,
my knees shall bleed from the constant slamming,
for I shall kneel day by day so I may be near to You!
Grasp a hold of this disciple,
make me Your vessel,
use me as Your temple dwelling
so I may hear the soft hum,
smell the low bloom,
touch Your righteous robe,
gather Your children to You
for the hours that pass by shall be
of glory and worship to You!
So I sing forever more, God is Good!
Only He is good! There is no one like Him,
no not one who can approach Him,
yet He approaches us,
for He truly is Righteous Incarnate!